Powerful Art

Is art more than just pretty pictures? Can it change your life? Sounds a bit far fetched but is it? Personally, I joined our local art class to have a bit of 'me'-time, away from kids, family and work, as well as to socialise with other people. It kept me sane. That's just me. But more and more articles are appearing about the positive impact of art on people's mental health just by looking at art. The impact is even greater when interacting and creating your own pieces. 

These figures were a result of a study of the effect weekly art workshops for people experiencing depression, stress or anxiety in Cambridgeshire for the past seven years.

An evaluation revealed a 71% decrease in feelings of anxiety and a 73% fall in depression; 76% of participants said their wellbeing increased and 69% felt more socially included. As one participant says: “I feel so much better having had the time and space to do some art. It makes such a difference.” 

The feedback I get from my workshops are very similar. A 3-hour escape from the normality, having a giggle with other people while creating something out of your comfort zone. The results leave people relaxed and empowered, ready to face reality again. 

Fancy a go yourself? Check out the workshop page or see events on my facebook page.

To ready the full article about the effect of arts on mental health check out the following link


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